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viernes, 11 de marzo de 2011

Reaction, Three Readings

This document shall be about the three readings that the teacher provides us (defining educational innovation, research on teacher´s attitude, and the importance of innovation) it is going to be like so because according to one’s conceptions the three readings are closely related, for that reasons it was decided to make just a reaction by doing a relationship among the three readings.
There is a certain part of a reading that says that every single innovation is risky and fraught with difficulty, and it is also shown a statistic that pronounces that approximately 75% of all innovations fail to survive in the long term, but professors do not have to be scare of these numbers and try to continue working in an innovative lessons for their learners.
It was thought that a suitable innovative pedagogical practice must present some characteristics like those ones: it should not be routinized, it should be a conscious act, one that enables a good atmosphere in the classroom, excellent participation of students, permanent interactions between teacher and students, and among students, it should enable students to construct knowledge by means of different strategies, where individual differences are taken into account and prior knowledge is recognized, the teacher varies strategies, methods and techniques according to subject, objectives and curricular content, where the teacher recovers the social and cultural knowledge of the community and adapts the curriculum to the real world and the student’s needs; therefore, those traits have to be very studied for teachers to create favorable conditions to learn.

At the moment to read this info a question arises in one´s mind; why does a new textbook succeed in an institution of one country while identical materials fail in another? So, according to the information given in the booklet of research on teacher´s attitude it might be several different aspects that can affect the resolution of an innovative education such as: teachers and students´ motivation, environment, relationship student-student or teacher-student, professors and students´ attitude, courses´ aims, cultural, economic, political, and some other ones.
Teachers´ motivation is quite significant because whether they are motivated they shall make their job appropriately; however, in this part of teachers’ job you can find some other relevant aspects that professors must figure in at the moment to plan their lessons and those features are: age, environment, students´ weaknesses and strengths, and so forth.
As it was said that environment must be take into account when people think in teaching because professors ought to know how their students live for the reason that it is going to affect in a direct form students future improvement. It is thought that there should be a kind, friendly, respectfully relationship not only teacher-students, but also student-student because it will give a harmony in the classroom and it will also improve students´ efficiency.
Since the very beginning that teachers realized what kind of course they are called to give; it is like a duty to know what kind of objectives the course has due to they have shape the course according to the courses´ goals.
Culture is something that teachers must have a special attention and more when they are teaching in a culture that is unknown for them because in certain moments they can disrespect people just for lack of knowledge of that culture and there are some extreme cases of dead teachers because they commit an error and hurt somebody's feelings and then they react by killing the other one. Therefore, professors should not only study the culture in which they are involved for not to disrespect one´s beliefs, but also to adapt their lessons with students´ culture.
To have cleared what is the economic situation of students is other key that teachers would appreciate when they prepare their syllabus because it can vary greatly students´ competence; just imagine what can be the efficiency of a student that never eats before going pre-school or school, children that do not have the proper or minimum materials for learning, or even students who are thinking in problems that face at home. Therefore, teachers ought to know their students´ economic condition and at least attempt to solve or try to find some possible solutions for their students´ complications.
Professors have to investigate and to consider what are the limitations not only by working in the place they are, but also the innovative limitations of the institution; it is with the purpose to expand as teachers as students cognitive improvements.
As a conclusion, it is well known that to teach is not an easy-relaxed task to develop, so professors have the duty to investigate all the aspects mentioned earlier on for creating a suitable environment in classrooms and to improve students´ cognitive knowledge.

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